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Welfare facility

Student Health Center

Purpose of Establishment

The Student Health Center is established to protect and to promote the health of students and staff members. The health center provides medication, first aid medicine and health counseling for this purpose and does its utmost best for a ‘healthy university life’ for undergraduate and graduate students.

Major Tasks
Primary health care

Equipped with general pharmaceuticals and dressing kits, the center provides medicine and treatment of minor injuries free of charge (except for prescription-based medicine).

First aid

We provide first aid to emergency patients and send them to the hospital in case of emergencies.

Providing first aid medicine

We provide students and university employees with first aid medicine during official group activities in/outside the campus (field trips, athletic meets, etc.).

Obesity and health-related counseling

We provide obesity and other health-related counseling services through accurate body composition analysis using (In-Body) the Automatic Height-Weight-Obesity Index Meter.

Use of sickroom

Emergency patients can use the sickroom for rest when it is considered necessary.

Counseling about disease prevention using medical equipment

Students can use the eyesight chart, automatic blood pressure measuring device, blood glucose monitoring device, thermometer, etc. available at the center.

We help students live a healthy life by providing accurate knowledge about early disease detection and health.
We also provide other tasks considered necessary for student health.

Campus Convenience Facilities

Campus Convenience Facilities Table
Facility Hours of Operation Location
Convenient Store (GS25) During Semester / 07:30~22:30
During vacation / 08:00~21:00
1F Students’ Hall (A)
Cafe (bluepot) 1F Students’ Hall (A)
Book Cafe 2F Academic Information Center
NongHyup ATM
※ Inquiry: Customer Service (1588-2100)
00:00~24:00 1F Headquarters (B)
Post Office ATM
※ Inquiry: Customer Service (1599-1900)
00:00~24:00 1F Cafeteria
Automatic Certificate Issuer (paid service) 00:00~24:00 1F University Cafeteria Bldg.

Sports Complex


Students should undergo the following procedures to use university facilities for the purpose of physical education or club activities.

Facility in Use

Sports Complex, Gym, Driving Range, etc.

How to Use

Students can make a reservation seven days prior to the day of use. The application form for use approval is available at the student department. The form should be submitted to the general affairs department facility management team and should be approved by the use approval department.

How to Use Table
Div. Location Hours of Opening Contents Area (㎡) Facility Capacity
Sports Complex, Main Stadium 1F Sports Complex 09:00~24:00 Basketball, Volleyball, Badminton, Table Tennis, Dodge Ball 994 Acoustics 1,000
Gym 2F Sports Complex 09:00~24:00 Physical fitness 174 Acoustics -
Driving Range 3F Sports Complex 09:00~24:00 Golf 82 -

University Cafeteria


1F University Cafeteria Bldg.

Hours of Operation
Hours of Operation Table
Div. Weekdays Weekends/Holidays
Breakfast - -
Lunch 11:30~13:00 12:00~13:00
Dinner 17:30~18:40 17:30~18:30