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Dept. of Cultural Properties Diagnosis and Connoisseurship

Dept. of Cultural Properties Diagnosis and Valuation[Image]

Dept. of Cultural Properties Diagnosis and Valuation

Providing educational opportunities in interdisciplinary foundational competencies that meet the demands for diversity and expertise in the cultural heritage distribution and diagnostic connoisseurship market.

Dept. Homepage(KOR)


In accordance with the changing trends of the times regarding the scope and value of cultural heritage, the Department of Cultural Heritage Diagnostics and Connoisseurship is now emphasizing the scholarly importance of connoisseurship. It aims to train interdisciplinary experts capable of approaching the diagnosis and connoisseurship of cultural heritage in a more systematic, scientific, and logical manner.

Operating a convergence curriculum that advances beyond the previously experience-centric perspective of subjective connoisseurship, the department offers a curriculum that is more scientific and logically interpretable.

By training expertise with the knowledge of connoisseurship to professionally analyze and interpret the authenticity of cultural heritage and artworks, the department provides a comprehensive educational opportunity combining humanities-based connoisseurship with scientific diagnostic methods.

After finishing the program, students could work as professionals in various fields such as specialized researchers, museum curators, and art connoisseurship agencies. Furthermore, the department aims to train professionals who lead the healthiness of the cultural heritage distribution market.

Objectives of Education

We specialize in cultivating practical talent that keeps pace with the evolving paradigm of cultural properties diagnosis and valuation, particularly suitable for the humanities and natural science convergence fields.


Classification Abbreviation: CR-Common Requisite, CE-Common Elective, ME-Major Elective
CLS Course Title Credit LEC(LAB)
CR Heritage and Future Development 3 3(0)
CR History and Philosophy of Heritage 3 3(0)
CE Workshop for Cultural Heritage for the Future I, II 3 3(0)
ME Understanding of Cultural Properties Connoisseurship 3 3(0)
ME Connoisseurship and History of Art 3 3(0)
ME Special Lectures of Professional Authority 3 3(0)
ME Understanding Excavation and Transmission of Traditional Relics 3 3(0)
ME Understanding Cultural Property Laws 3 3(0)
ME Introduction to Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Properties 3 3(0)
ME Connoisseurship and History of Ceramics 3 3(0)
ME Scientific Diagnosis of Production Techniques and Materials for Paintings and Calligraphic Works 3 3(0)
ME Connoisseurship and History of Crafts 3 3(0)
ME Scientific Diagnosis of Pottery Production Techniques and Materials 3 3(0)
ME Connoisseurship and History of Buddhist Art 3 3(0)
ME Scientific Diagnosis of Production Techniques and Materials for Metal, Stone, Wood Relics 3 3(2)
ME Convergence Practice of Scientific-Discernmentic Connoisseurship 3 3(0)
ME Research on Master·Doctoral Thesis 3 3(0)
ME Understanding of Cultural Properties Diagnosis 3 3(0)

Full-time Professor

Professor Major e-mail
Han Min Su Conservation Science dormer@nuch.ac.kr
Yi Ki Sung Archaeology huare@nuch.ac.kr
Chung Yong jae Conservation Science iamchung@nuch.ac.kr
Shin, Suk Art history sschd23@nuch.ac.kr